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Hey all! :D 

First of all, for those of you who like to keep track, I've updated the visual library of all my tokens! http://tokensbyjohannesvoss.tumblr.com You can browse by collector's number, use the text search to find specific tokens or use the tags to browse by rarity :)

And then! As of today, Wave 25 has been shipped. If you were a Patron by April 30th, this means shipped to you! Please allow the usual 2-3 weeks of mail runtime! :) 

For those of you who just signed up: Welcome aboard! :D I hope you'll enjoy it! 

As usual, if you have any problems whatsoever or if shipments are missing or incomplete, just let me know and I'll get on top of it asap!

All the best




Ha, that's cool! I love going through these to see all the cool pictures! ^_^


Just got mine. Didnt know it untill now but thouse worm tokens are what i needed in my life haha. Great work dude


sorry be that gay but my Elf Warrior Token has the art of the Faerie Rogue. xD


Shit I just noticed that too! Seems like there was a misprint! Sorry about that, it'll be fixed next time. Just keep it as a SUPER RARE thing? :D


hallo ich habe eine frage bin dein patreon seit heute wie leuft das jetzt genau ab habe 30+ genommen.gruss alex


Hey Alex! Am 31sten Mai (immer letzter Tag des Monats) wirds ne Ankündigung der nächsten Runde Tokens geben, deine Zahlungsmethode wird deinem Beitrag entsprechend belastet und ich fange an die ganzen Pakete versandfertig zu machen. Das dauert ungefähr ein bis zwei Wochen so dass du Mitte Juni dein erstes Paket hast, und dann immer in diesem Rhythmus solange es dir gefällt :) Jeden Monat natürlich mit komplett frischem Inhalt!