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I took a small break. I'm not having the best week ngl and the add on stress of reposts did not help. On some days its easy for me to look at reposts and just report them but on other days I don't feel all that great and that day was one of it. I saw many suggestions about banning or blocking these reposters but it is not full-proof as they can just make new accounts. I was thinking of making huge watermarks all around my art + make it super low res but I'd hate that as it'll ruin the whole artwork. 

This whole repost thing ruins my mood to draw and its ironic how these reposters who use these artworks because they love these characters and maybe "love" my work but because of their actions it makes me feel like not drawing these characters? Honestly I feel like trash seeing this. However after reading your comments, I gave some thought and cleared my mind. I don't want this to ruin it for me and everyone so I'll do my best and keep going!

Also F these reposters



I am happy you took a break and I hope you stay longer and for a very long time; I love seeing your work and am always happy to get a notification in my emails that you posted. 💛 I know this isn’t exactly a fair solution, but maybe increasing the price of access can deter people from reposting. It kind of punishes everyone in the process, but I don’t know how many people will be willing to pay more to leak items. Regardless of what steps you may take, I am happy to support you. ☺️🌻


Hiii Choco! Your feelings and your frustrations regarding this are valid and you have the right to take your time to process it. I know that general reposts are annoying but dang this is a new level of disrespectful. I would say please don't give up. Maybe we can open up the conversation more about this? Maybe you can make a poll and ask people how the found you in the first place?? Ask why anybody here would feel the need to repost your stuff to public platforms? As I said maybe keep an eye on your supporters here so it is easier for you to keep track of who sees your stuff? I feel like this has a solution!! Most people here respect you and support you! It is a minority that's being disrespectful. Anyway hope this makes sense, Choco! Sending you a big hug.


I thought about it but personally I'd like to make it more accessible for a lot of people if they choose to support me without breaking their banks. Thank you for supporting me nonetheless! 💖


Tbh I actually really just don't want to do so much work spending my time on these people, I could use the time to draw more and reporting is already mentally exhausting.. I just want a mutual understanding to just not repost my stuff just for them to roleplay publicly where everyone else can see and steal my artwork and the cycle goes on. Reposting things that don't belong to you is already against copyright which idk why they don't get it. Btw thanks for speaking about this, I really appreciate it 💗 idm discussing further tho maybe there are some things I've never thought about?