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Although I'm fine with both, I would love a lot of beautifully finished pieces...but let's be honest all of your art is beautiful regardless lol


All of your work is amazing 💖 and in terms of producing I think you definitely do enough (1 or 2 every week! That's amazing 🤩) the only other type of work I could think would be interesting are tutorials or process videos. But please don't push yourself! You're an amazing artist and id be so sad if you burned yourself out by overproducing. ❤️


It would be nice to see you drawing live! Is it possible for you to plan a little event with us? You go live and talk to us while drawing twitch style???


Thank you Tea! 💖 Finding the balance is really hard 😓 I keep telling myself I need to make more and it is rough. I am glad that someone understands 🥺


I am actually very shy at talking... 👉👈 I did try twitch streaming before but there was no mic. It was fun for a while 🙈


It's okay! You are amazing already. You produce so much! Please don't stress yourself. 🥺 We love you!


Would you be open to do it just here with us? With a small group of people?