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Hello there.

Sorry, I have not updated in a while, and this should cover it for the last few weeks. I have been dealing with several minor issues that turned into major ones at once. I have been fighting a severe sickness. It attacked my respiratory system and shut down my body. I won't go into details there as most of you won't like or care for that, so I'm moving on. The next issue was my car broke down, and a $2,000 bill was needed to fix it. Now, the final issue is that it connects to the vehicle. I got a new job and have been working for about a month at it. I have not gotten paid yet due to the carry-over most jobs do here. So, to put it lightly... I got fucked.

Now that my health is returning and my head is thinking straight again. I can process some of this more easily. I admit I have been struggling lately and feel like I wasted space. Most people start doing things small and get bigger. I went the opposite. I went big and tried to get smaller in adaption. This isn't easy to do. Sure, I can eliminate a lot of characters to make it more "normal," but then I lose the real point of this. I want to be able to be unique in my way. Even if what I do has been done before or the styles I like and use. Since I am trying to be 100% different and create new things, I will focus more on just doing and using what fits. I was thinking about pausing my sub for a month if my condition didn't improve. I may still end up taking one if I have to. I know things aren't easy for a solo developer and even harder for those without experience. Knowledge is power, and power is exhausting.

I'm sorry I don't have much progress to report. I am starting to get back into it and will begin finishing the scenes I have started. Then it will be off to the home stretch :)

- Lancastle




Good luck. If rest is necessary, then it must be taken. Health is important. ^^