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Hello there...

The topic of this post is going to be the corruption. Now, corruption can be very confusing. It has three paths: Overlord, Anarchy, and Corrupted (NTR). These are the three determined paths you can make based on choices. Only one exists with a pathway marker, a Corrupted (NTR) path. As MC awakens, you can begin making choices directly influencing others. These will impact the person and your relationship and increase or decrease danger.

Anti-NTR? Not a problem... The NTR is 100% avoidable.
But you want to be a bad boy? Tsk Tsk... You can, but that is a lot slower than, let's say... jumping into bed with the... DEVIL! (Maybe you like that, who am I to judge?) 

I hope this makes sense to you, as for me to make it abundantly clear would be a massive spoiler. Things are getting exciting, and the gloves are coming off. How far will it go? Is anyone safe? Probably not, but you lost your Hope and need to find it: control it or watch the darkness consume it. 

So far, the lineup for the corruption list is Sasha and Svarin. (I can update this or stop here if you all don't wish to know who is next)

Stay wicked,
- Lancastle




A date maybe? :) Can't wait to see what happens next.