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Hello there,

So, it is time for another Dev Log. Initially, I planned to have the tournament in this episode. I decided to move this to episode 3 and dedicate it only to it. This will allow me to settle Svarin into the DSF properly, explain the DSF better, resolve some conflicts you may have encountered, and determine some paths as we advance. This can also let me build more into Nami and Kit before forcing the story arc. (First Major Event)

Episode 2 will be more of a focus on information. You are getting to know more of the realm, laws, system, and somewhat dull parts that need to be there. I will show more romance for those who aren't corrupted or made terrible choices and some extra bits for those who did. :)

With all that said, I will be wrapping things up soon. With the tournament phased to episode 3, I have a lot I don't have to worry about and can focus on delivering a better story. I don't have much information to give other than that. So I will leave you with some images from scenes you will be seeing.

- Lancastle
