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Hello there,

So far the beta phase has been very helpful in ironing out the bugs and issues found in some pathing (for those who prefer chaos)... 

So I decided to add some more stuff and will probably do so again while waiting for things to finish... so soon I will have a release date for you all... so till then I will leave you with some spoilers and data update...

Prologue + Chapter 1 image count: 2,546.
Pixie's to find: 7 Normal 2 Corrupted
Pixie's Lust scenes: 1 Normal 1 Corrupted (First 'What if')
Sex scenes total: 7 Normal, 4 Corrupted
Images in Vault: 39

Let me talk a bit about future releases again. I do plan on releasing chapter 2 as a whole this time and not into parts as before as this doesn't allow me to alter or change things that would break future things or make things not make sense, but as a result the chapters wont be as big so you won't be waiting too long :)

I know that I have a lot of girls around. So we will be taking shifts on some extra side hustle business that will shift between who will be available. As of now I have a plan for 4 girls each time... so they will shift based off story needs that will be based around a choice.  This doesn't mean you won't see any of the others just won't be the main focus this time... MC is super busy after all... 

Well, I won't keep rambling on now and I HOPE you get to play it soon and enjoy it :) 



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