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Hello there...

This update will be on corruption mostly... hence Pixie being well corrupted...

So... I have made some changes to the corruption system in terms of how it is treated with NTR. So this will now contain NTR based off corruption value. So if you allow a girl to be corrupted or she does by other means... then you will most likely see them do or say some acts out of nature. Without spoiling anything, there is only one path currently that can force the girl you are pursuing to essentially cheat... now I did state there is no cheating involved. Now that still stands true :) Just when corruption is concerned... all bets are off. Does this mean you will be thrown into a random omg they all are fucking her? Nah, you will always be warned and must accept it or the choices are very clear on intentions and can easily and safely avoid that which would be a nightmare to some. 

So with this developed there is going to be a bad path to follow as well. I truly aim to make it a personal choice and experience each time. 

The Vault will still contain What If's and will come with some already made ones. I will be creating polls for What if's and place them under a voting/poll situation. When this gets released I will have more information about it, but I am looking at certain tiers to create what if's and cast a vote/poll for the ones I approve of. Then I will add them to the Vault for the next update :)

Till next update with non Corruption ;)
- Lancastle



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