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Here is another update!!
I have been a bit busy... I have setup the dates and began to work on those...

Also received the piece I was missing to start the after party as seen above...
Here are some of the dates I have started and more that isn't shown. I am in the final stretch and after this and working music and sfx in... I will be ready for testing... I do want to thank you all for sticking with me. I know a lot of times it looks like I have done much, I have not been posting as much as usual. Been diving into other aspects than just Daz. So I hope you all will be satisfied with some of the elements I try to do. 

This does present paths and choices for them. You aren't so much as 'locked' into a path per say... I do offer some wiggle room if you can manage to find it. Some will cancel each other and some just wont be available to you unless you meet the requirements. 

I work in anticipation,
- Lancastle




:pepeexcellent: Gib game


first off svarin in that dress is 100% fire and new redhead is gorgeous. Is Milana coming this update?