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amazing poll vieo !!! i always love your makeup you put so much effort on it !!! big big hugs and kisses !

Sketch SHHnobi

Looks like a scene out of The Last of Us. I hear the clickers beyond those bushes. Who's ready for The Last of Us Part III?! I know I am! 😍


No one can hear me scream? Oh man, I gotta get out of here. Wait… All the time I want for video games? Well… You convinced me! I’m staying. Hahaha. For some reason, maybe because I watch too many horror movies, the background my first thought was i feel like I’m in a horror movie. Then you talked about the shack and I’m like oh god I am in a horror movie! lol.

Robert Esdale

So beautiful, and very excellent details on the makeup.

Jason Berry

Why do all of my first dates end with me chained up in a dilapidated cabin in the middle of nowhere? The first time was funny, but now I'm noticing a pattern that I don't like...


You know they say that Confession is good for the Soul ! but hearing it ftom a Yandere Mafia Queen 👸 ! Just adds a little Jag of Excitement don't you feel ! caught between a Rock and a Hard place again,, but I will taken Care of,,after a Fashion,, and I did vote for Her ❤️⚘️💋


You play character’s like this suspiciously well….can’t help but wonder how many people you’ve lured to their doom…...Eh it’s probably nothing to worry about


Yay! New upload! Don't go too yandere, please... It's my birthday😂 And good luck with your big move this coming week!!! 😊

Mark (SeventhCycle)

Listening with headphones on. I just noticed that the kissing sounds are pretty good without you being right up next to the microphone. Out of curiosity, how far is the microphone outside of the camera view?

Artem Zeytunyan

Finally i have enough money to pay for your Patreon. Such an amazing girl. Ive never donated to anybody before but youre just too wonderful

David Guay FUCK AROUND (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-27 12:49:35 Sorry not understandable. Mercy Running raving rabbits!
2024-05-27 12:49:35 Sorry not understandable. Mercy Running raving rabbits!
2024-05-27 12:49:35 Sorry not understandable. Mercy Running raving rabbits!
2024-05-14 17:45:45 Sorry not understandable. Mercy Running raving rabbits!

Sorry not understandable. Mercy Running raving rabbits!