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Lucky Leaf

I'll let you in on a secret: the information you want will only cost you a big big hug 🤗and a kiss 💋


Dizzy in Star Wars!! Hahaha, how awesome is that? This might get a little review-ish. But….. This is sooooooo good. She has such an intimidating presence. Could not be anymore perfect for an Imperial Agent. The coldness, the confidence, the anger bubbling underneath. And the beginning when you say rebel with such disgust like you’re betraying yourself just saying the word. I got goosebumps lol. Even the hair and make-up and costume are so spot-on. I continue to be in awe of this talent you have and I feel lucky I’m here to see it come to life.


I love seeing you with short hair again. It suits you very well, is that your natural hair by chance?

Grey Guardian

Sorry. rebel alliance duties. This ship is going down. *ignites lightsaber*

Olln Illb

shorter hair like this has always looked great for you


you know with the hair and makeup, you look like Ursa from superman 2


Never expected this type of Roleplay,, You will need to wear your gloves to search my mind, there's a lot of tidying up to do firstly,, Dizziness might bring some order,, have you seen the state of this place; the Rebels wouldn't trust me with information 😉

Jason Berry

The rebels couldn't figure out why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch either, I'm afraid.


No it's a wig and seriously i have no idea how my very long hair can be hidden under such wig but it works lol


The Empire knows his kids better! We have cookies too! The best in the galaxy!


Hey, hey, we're on the same side here. I'm a spy pretending to be a spy. That's called tradecraft. All hail the empire. Just go ask Darth Vader. I used to get him his coffee. Black. Like his soul.


I feel unfairly judged. Betrayed. And judged. Did I mention judged? You do rock short hair btw, officer.

Jago Dray

Wait. There are cookies? You should have started with that 😉