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Tarquinio Marchioratto

Just chatting...Thanks a lot Russian...You are sweet ...Talent...And a good friend...You are so good therapist...I sleep and be hipinotase many times for you and characters...Thank for your friendship...I started one relationship and be in love.Take care.And thank you.


Crazy... but absolutely sweet.


This was such a treat. Thank you!


Personally I adore your normal speaking voice the most. I could gush on for quite awhile but I digress I always look forward to a new upload and you always manage to brighten my day


Love this so much. Hilarious and endearing. Much love and keep up the amazing content :)


Honestly, I could listen to you talk all day, I really liked this video. I hope you do something like this again some time


This video was like most video calls I've been on. Except this was more relaxing and you were so loveable. Even with your supposed craziness. 🌹🌹❤️❤️

Bumbis McGee

I think your accent is cute! It doesn't hurt my ears, it's part of your charm <3


I really love this video. Just you being you and you're awesome!

Jago Dray

Fun video. Good kind of crazy. 😊


This was fun - do more of this


I love your accent, when I first saw a video of you. When I heard your accent I just absolutely fell in love. Your vids are amazing! This is was great 👍😁


Yes you are cute! You're gorgeous in fact! 😅


Thank you, crazy little sister


I love your personality

Rich Na

I'm just seeing this video for the first time. I love your real personality and voice. You are a firecracker! I would love to go out and have a drink with you. That would be a hoot! LOL 🤣

Lord Andrew Furlotte

My favorite video. No play acting, no character to portray. Just you being mostly yourself.

Brett ^_^

I love you, Don't ever change <3