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This is so cute! Love it! Someday, I would so love a "friend helps you with makeup" roleplay, your makeup is always so beautiful. 🙏


Omg! Hugs!! Thanks for considering it 😊 I do love how pretty much all of your videos can be for anyone, man or woman!


I have never been bitten, scratched and hugged by somebody so cute! Can you please do it again?😄❤


The ultimate Nya video! Im so happy lol. And ironic considering where I live is going to be hit with a snowstorm tonight! Imagine if a cat took a light and did that, by the way? That would be equal parts awesome and annoying because you know they would do it all the time. I know my dog would do it for sure. I think you may have cat ears for every occasion, too. Nya! Haha, I love it!


Trying my best! Happy that in english it's very doable, in my native language would be so hard! Much love!


Thank you! You are the best, but ofc, you already know that!😄 Thanks to you, I sleep in peace and got rid of the stress!❤


loved cat <3


What a gorgeous Snow Leopard. Awful beautiful one too, I what lovely bits and hugs, scratches from a lovely snow cat💜 Much love and here's a hug back


This was cute. The lipstick and eye color looked very nice. Did you really get it for just one costume or is that something you use for other occasions? There's a reason this cat is happy in winter. Snowbody going to be able to give her a bath with all the water solid. Once the snowmen become puddles, then she's going to be a lot colder to us, When a snow cat get's bored with you and wonders off, is that considered getting the cold shoulder? Just saying, if a snow leopard was really this friendly, I'd be terrified. People talk about Lion's and Tiger's, but leopards are right up their for nature's hitmen. Hitwomen, I guess.


I love the paw pads on the gloves, it’s a small detail but an extremely cute one


The ❤ Snow Cat isn't in Danger of Extinction is She !! Nya Nya;, Can't believe that,,that's too much of a loss Nya,, She's Gorgeous 💝


Una dolcezza unica... @};---


I had that lipstick for years...not using it much 😅 I just want big Nya hugs...and some meat... 😁