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Jason Berry

"Your bill is going to be about tree-fiddy"


But… The prices? Is it per kiss or is it one price for a bundle of kisses? How many kisses are in a bundle, though? The hugs and kisses definitely gotta be at least double, I think. Spin kisses somewhere in the middle. Maybe Patreon members get a discount!?! What would be considered an appropriate tip amount? Aahhh too many questions.


Come back soon???... I'm going to be back tomorrow and the day after - and the day after - and the day after - and so on and so on!😄❤

Lord Andrew Furlotte

Don't care what the cost will be. As far as I can see, unless their making hamburger out of the customers. Other than that whatever the cost is its worth it. 😎


You are so beautiful and awesome video❤️❤️❤️❤️


Leave a tip? (Proceeds to empty all cash from wallet.) Darn! Not enough. 💗