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I will be absent for a bit. I have some Patreon content ready to upload so i will not leave the page empty, but i will not be able to answer private messages.

Yesterday my father had a cerebral hemorrhage and now he is in intensive care, doctors warned me that he will never wake up again. I'm the one that needs to take care of everything now, so i will be busy.

I am going to start again to upload content on youtube when i will feel better and my face won't look creepy. It won't take long, i love my channel and all of you but i need time to heal.

Thank you for your support and understanding.


Martin Erdmann

I keep my fingers crossed for you.

Vatghern (Val)

Take as much time as you need Egilea. These events are never easy, but even the harshest winters are followed by a spring.


Hope everything works out! Prayers.


I'm so sorry Egilea. You take all the time you need. You've got my hopes and prayers.


I’m so sorry, Egi. Please, take all the time you need to heal. You are loved.


I'm truly sorry for what's going on. Do what you need to do.


Stay brave and all the best

Virgo Da Doofus

Praying for comfort and strength as you handle this. For you and your family. We love you.


Keep strong girl, we luv you

peter catalfamo

Im so sorry we love u I hope everything turns out for the best if u need to talk I'm here

Gopal Garg

Praying for speedy recovery of everything. Things may also end up just fine. Dont lose hope. Stay strong. We are with you 👍🏻