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Sonic Johnson

🖤💚🖤💚 awesome


not sure a real Necromencer will kisses us haha !! this cosplay is way too good damn it you look amazing !!

Robert Esdale

Are these kisses of death, or kisses of life? Either way, I like them. 🖤


I think that with that black lipstick and all the kisses. My face must be black now. Must be how Egi train new necromancers.


You ♥️ know are all Necromancers English,, I've seen a video of yours where you use the most English Phrase going,, you said 🤔 "While We're at it" that was truly heart ❤️ warming, that's Impressive,, were did you hear that!! that's how we speak in the shire! this video is just as impressive "While we're at it" 😘🌹😘🌹

Chris Köllmer

It’s not that bad to be dead 😌🖤


That it's very good. Congrats 👍


So many kisses😍 Take my life right now, i want to be with the Necromancer Egi for all the eternity💀🖤 You said Undead, so, i believe you are talking to me and only me🤣


Hahah I dunno, I learn to talk watching/reading...and I really love to watch English series on Netflix.