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I felt so bad for this crazy girl in the YouTube video. She’s so sweet, and her companion wasn’t even real ☹️


A new video just before sleep !!! (damn there a lot who came just before i sleep haha) Well incredible video as usual ! Big Big Hugs and Kisses !!


Crazy Egi! This is one of your characters I hope makes another appearance in the future.


ok, so your scientist cos-play gets your cat burglar cos-play, and they work together to break out your asylum cos-play!! w00t!!

Omar Velazquez

Janitor: are you kissing the poster again?


“Let’s touch each other with our lips” MA’AM 😳


“I can fix her” But she’s already fixed


Egi, you are absolutely phenomenal with the close up in the ears. I practically get drunk off of your kisses, and your whispers like sweet candy. Not to mention your hair! I love the tails, and the color is a nice brown, not trying to yap or anything. ☝️🙂‍↔️


you know what`s funny about crazy people? they don`t know they are crazy...which means that there is a chance that right now you only think that you are infront of yours pc watching egi`s vids...but in reality you are right now been tapping a white wall in Asylum for last hour,for no reason xD