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Edit: Ending to wrap it up. I picture the "screaming Walter" meme when i came up with this set ha. Anyways hope you guys liked it. 

I only meant to do four of these, but I couldnt decide which intro I liked better, or rather I thought it worked best with both, so theres 1 more im working on to finish this set off. 

So much pink, looks nice though. I wanted to contrast it to Marcy's set, but I still ended up using a half lit room. And as for the theme, whereas Marceline and Finn have their own dynamic, I've been trying to include Makima PB for a while lol. Anyways, I'm gonna go post the poll results, havent had the time to check em, hopefully its good news.. and I'l finish up the last page before starting the new set. 




Finally! It looks like Bonny is actually enjoying her time with Finn. It took years, but we're finally there.


Wow… this is great stuff tbh and I find it crazy how you made it that PB used SEX to get Finn to do what she wanted him to do… cause NGL, I hate PB in the show for so many reasons, she sucks majorly, very toxic, awful person and etc… and weirdly this is very in character for her to me.


At first I thought, dang. Won't get to see HW. Then I realized I'd probably react the same way if she pulled this stunt, the makima dynamic seems like such a natural choice so I'm glad you're experimenting. Sharing with Marceline but wanting to keep him from the others. I wish there were more ways to see a story idea like this progress!


It’s like Christmas but on a Wednesday!


We stan toxic ladies here. Banjabu also isn't helping.


Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean it wrong. Love HM’s stuff, just thought I’d bring that up cause I found it ironic/funny she used sex to get what she wants given my view of her. XD


I would like to think it wasn't so much of her needing him to get things done it was about her being jealous of him spending time with Huntress

Ryan Jones

Hell of a post. I love it

Jayden Jones

I swear i always said she looked like she wasn’t enjoying her time with finn lol


Your princess bubblegum is the best rendition!!

You are already baked

Man, the shading on this piece is crazy good. You really out did yourself


Maybe it's because I've watched too many PB is evil videos, but seeing that she doesn't blush like any of the other characters just gives me an uneasy feeling. However, this PB is different from canon PB so I don't know if this one is as bad as the OG.... Or I'm just reading into this way too hard.


I love those videos. the one where shes cutting off and sticking random parts onto others... classic pb.


Oh to the great HM after reading your work time and time again as I sit right next to my bottle of cocoa butter, I must say it is a 10 out of 10 as you always keep making such productive art, and I am a returning viewer. You must forgot about the name protagonist my former Twitter handle back in the day I came here to show my proper respect and gratitude for you giving us what we all need it, genuine quality canon. Thank you so much. Be blessed shalom.


Cocoa butter?! lol Hey thanks a lot. Glad you enjoy them, sorry I didnt read this sooner but when I'm engrossed into a project, particularly a very challenging one like the one this week I get very distracted until Im done or posting. But thanks again and I'll keep making more! 😁


These ominous faces are still killing me. I've developed a new need.