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Edit: Shower scenes. 

Probably my favorite colored Priyanka pics to date, I wouldve been fine with Summer's shower level, but Im glad it looks cleaner. 

Alright, you guys wanted more Priyanka, huh? This oughtta hold ya for a while then.

its another vertical format style to go with the previous mini comic, this was originally what I wanted to do with these 2 this time. I ended up basically redoing page 3 though, initially I had them hiding from Sadie's mom, Barbara (the mailwoman) and getting into Steven's place, but since neither of them interacted with her, it seemed like a waste of a page, and opted for Sadie and Jenny instead.. and of course more lewds. 

And lastly, looking at the poll its looking like the lanterns are feeling cheeky, huh? You wanna play it like that, let's see how it goes down then lol your move. 




Can’t wait for Steven to ‘control’ himself as they’re doing laundry- and please do Lee kanker. Pretty please.

Kreiger Liddle

This and the hekapoo comics are the best series you make and keep getting better

Raylon Darkrus

Ngl I really wanna see her pregnant 🥴


Fucking love these two, phenomenal work once again


Good job, also love it when you do the vertical format.


Their stares are killing me. These two are so bad but so good for each other.

Blitzar Whistle-Stop

His magical belly button and muscles really help sell the idea of supernatural stamina - those werewolves had it too.


I do enjoy this. But jw, why didn't you choose Connie and Steven, do Connie and her dad not exist in your AR? Just curious.


The simple answer is that I find Priyanka hotter. so thats where I apply my energy. Whether or not the other characters exist doesnt really affect the story.


They do exist. The prequel set to the beach scenes had a picture frame of Priyanka, her husband, and Connie that was knocked face down when the two began their affair. It's also something that is up in the air if it's still a thing though since Hermit changes his AU for what he's feeling like as time goes.

SubScriBeS 7kkk

Damn, in the shower is great maybe next in her bedroom or kitchen

Kreiger Liddle

What a lovely ending, also love the coloring and shading you did


If she wasn't pregnant before she's almost certainly knocked up now 😈


Insatiable is the only way you can describe this couple. Great work!


Oh you have made me happy with a shower sex page… I’d hoped for more, but I can work with this XD