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Hey guys welcome to Novemeber. Just taking a break from all the drawing to drop the voting schedule for you. As you know I'm working on a Daphne Velma comic atm, hopefully I'll drop some concept art for you guys when I can. But in the meantime: this is our schedule.

Now-November 12 ish: Daphne Velma Comic

First Poll Nov 10th: Lapis, Nani, Paulina, Courtney, Jenny, Lola

Second Poll Nov 18th: Mrs. Turner, Marceline. Jessica Rabbit, Lindsay, Vaggie, Summer

After that: Return to Hekapoo and some short art design updates for older characters.

Just keep in mind that althought I am working non stop on this comic I am giving my self a bit of wiggle room date wise in case some of the panels or coloring turn out harder than my current estimate. Hope you guys have a great weekend, cya with the goods.



Hollowgod 88

Lola and Lindsay are my next pick.


Going with the rabbits on this one