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I think the 2nd pic is my favorite of the set lol So anwyays, here you go guys a full leshawna set. I ended up going the vanilla pairing route bc its one of the few I dont object to and harold earned it after that boss elimination lol. Also threw in a few cameos at the end, theres currently no plans them in a scene, I just sorta wanted to draw them to fill in the camp a little.

Edit: Done. Still have some daylight left, gonna start on the next Hek page and the lifeguard art soon after. Hopefully about this time next week we'll be done with her set and be starting the next poll set. See ya with some hekapoo.




Her tits on the last pic 👌🏼

You are already baked

This turned out really good, and it's pretty nice that her partner isn't just an anonymous person. Unrelated, I have noticed in your pieces that the guys never gives the girls head, y'know, licking their vaginas. Is there a reason for that?


I thought the poetry detail was a dead give away lol. Oh well. Hey dont knock the anon route, personally its a breath of fresh air not having to do some couple each time. Sometimes a lewd is just a lewd. As for the other question, simple answer really. Oral scenes, male or female take up a lot of room and I only have time for a few each week. So I go with what I assume you guys will like more since we might not see that character until the next poll. I do like them, theyre a nice build up detail.

Jacob Hamilton

Oooooh I love your heather! Chance she’ll be in a poll soon?


Thanks, I know I think its an improvement from the eariler ones. idk about soon since we'll be doing goths next for spooky season and tbh the design is fresh out the gate, I dont really have a direction for her yet since Courtney kinda stole the 'mean girl' role from her lol

Man of madness

Lies! Courtney was merely stuck up and got mean overtime. Heathers been pure baddie through the seasons.

You are already baked

It's more that I think you're pretty good at making interactions and you don't get that really with anonymous characters. In terms of the oral sex scenes, is more that I find you doing blowjobs pretty often, but not so much the males giving the girls head. The ratio balance us just a bit off lol


This is some of your finest work. We all appreciate it.


I mean in the College Drama AU, The whole, "I'll sleep with you if you vote X off" was pulled off by courtney. Until she grows out of it, it'll seem repetitive for right now.