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Well... congratulations Jessie gang, you won by a landslide.

Ohhh the anime option, mhmm, mhmm. So yeah just finished scraping together the Nicole set, currently working on the next Hek page and now all we gotta do is write, pose, sketch, line, color and format more than a few pages of something that lives up to the hype in less than a week... pffft, we call that Wednesday around here. Let's make something lewd then.

You know I always knew what the team rocket motto was but it never really registred how much of it is either delusional propaganda or absolute giberish. Next poll is this friday I believe, I've been procrastinating on finishing up the  other poll options bc I didnt want the choices conflict with other things I have planned but I'll try to add em before long. In the meantime , I'll see ya with another hek page.




Lets goooo Jessie. Could she be considered a milf? Oh well, just glad to see the hottest bully around get more rep.

C'ongair the Anemone

I was hoping for some more Huntress Wizard, but Jessie is good too.


Well, I definitely draw her as one. The tall thick look works great on her imo


Huntress lovers gotta rise up soon we need her.


it could be a continuation of the last comic


Jesse hell yeah 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥