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Hm? No, this isnt furry content, its purely for artistic value... mhm.. educational, yeah drawing angles and what not. Well I feel like I mightve gotten a bit carried away but I've been waiting to draw Lola for a year damnit. I think I could easily spend another week on this, but I have to get started on jenny's art so it'll have to do.

I ended up going for the anon route so i could focus on drawing Lola as best I could for her debut. but if you need to I guess you could refer to the guy as anon, gym bro, or 'luckysonofabitchitshouldofbeenme', So anyways! Right yeah, I think I decided what I want to do for Jenny... lets face it we're probably going to run into a similar multipage scenario so I think im going to start right away so i dont run out of time. See you guys for the next poll this friday at 6 pm PST.

July 14th Poll: Susan Long, Lilith Clawthorne, Ember Mclaine, Mrs. Turner, Lapis, Nani Pelekai

Pls, I beg you, choose an option I wont end up getting carried away with...




Even though you've destroyed your schedule doing this, I'd say it's well worth it. Easily one of the best sets you've made in terms of quality. Nice job!


Oh its obliterated and then some, but yeah hopefully the ongoing set rn comes out better timewise. Thanks!