Paulina makes her move.. (Patreon)
Out of all the mean Queen Bee characters, Paulina takes the top spot no question.
Welllll, you'd think that if I'm pressed for time I wouldnt have added so many panels and extras... but I reeaaaaly hate compromising guys lol Especially for one of my S tier favorite's debut. But in the end, I sorta did bc there was another scenario, very 'duality of Paulina' that I considered , though I only had room and time for these scenes. Still, Im happy with the ones I got out.
Well I hope you guys enjoy the set but I gotta run and get as much done for the Mystery set as I can before we run out of time. Ive chosen the one I had the most ready sketches for and I was able to get a decent chunk of work on it as warm ups and pauses between this Paulina set. I'll post what I have on the 30th! See you then.