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Hey guys, so Im going to make a short update that Ive been trying to make this set as large or a bit larger than the last tricia set but all the double checking, coloring, quality control etc is taking longer than I had since monday. So I'll be breaking this into 2 parts, the first one will be tomorrow night (or early sunday) and the rest the day(ish) after. I just want it to come out as good as it can so Im holding it longer instead of rushing it.

Poll is taking place at the same time today (5 pm PST). See y9ou guys there and hope you look forward to the next set.




Lookin good so far, take you’re time and don’t burn yourself out. I’d also love to see Nancy involved in some way, perhaps not directly joining in but maybe she can’t help but watch. 😏🤫


This is going to be Amazing 😩🥰😍