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So yeah, thats what we got for the short set on such short notice, like I said Im really suprised we managed to put out so much but I really wanted that intro and didnt feel like compromising... I like Tambry. because drawing her feels interesting and crack pairings really let you get creative. I like her story building up as a set up for future scenarios with these characters, or at the very least just having fun drawing a good character while I develop the style. 

Have a good week guys, after Im done I'll make a hek page for sunday and *checks calendar* wow a free week before the polls, it would be a good opportunity to draw some shorter ideas that have been in the backlog before we jump back into big ones. 




Holy Schmebulock!


It's too bad I won't be able to see the finished 2nd pic since I'm not subscribed for next month (don't think it'll have anything favorable for me, though you could surprise me),but the WIP looks great! Thanks for pushing it out before the month changes over. It's appreciated. :) I think my favorite part of this set is the teasing look and whispering over the card Tambry gives in pg1.


No problem dude and thanks for having subscribed as long as you did, it means a lot. 👉👉