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Well guess we found my limits. So most of the second page is done, but bc it was rushed theres something I want to redo.. looks a little wonkie so Im postponing the second page until tomorrow evening, monday  at the absolute latest, but thats like code red, probably wont come to that. Its not that its particularly crazy, but the extra element of having more faces, necks, where theyre facing, body position, being shoulder to shoulder etc Its a lot when most of my experience is just drawing 2 characters and maybe some in the background. 

Normally I like to post everything that I have in one go but I see no reson why you cant at least enjoy this first page. See ya tomorrow. 




Take your time, there's nothing wrong with it being a little late. I don't mind waiting.


Looks great so far, don't be afraid of not needing to constrict yourself to a strict timetable if you feel you're struggling


Yeah its just a bit more, I still want to be a fairly active hobby content creator so any delays/reschedules wont be too big without some sort of update.


Thanks Im fine, yeah next month Im going to take some more time on each individual page so I can comfortably be sure I made them as good as they can be. Better angles, composition etc.