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This is my second tentacle pic and I'm pretty happy with it.  Still needs some touch ups here and there, but it will be ready for Hentai-Foundry soon.  Will have the HiRez image available for you guys as well as a the .psd file.

She looks like she's having fun. :)  As you know, I have a bunch consentacle stories sitting in a file folder waiting for the day that I might unleash them upon an unwitting public.  With this pic, I am one step closer. :D




She certainly does look like she's enjoying herself! I can't help but speculate what's on the other end of those tentacles, they kinda look like the palps of a giant sea anemone... Either way i love this pic!


Glad you like! The tentacle scenario is one of five that I've come up with. All of them are quite fun. :D


Looking forward to seeing the rest of your ideas. It's so great to see consenting stuff, there is way too much non-con stuff. This really brightens my day. Would it be possible for you to make jpeg. Copies of the images too.


Absolutely. No problem. Yeah, I've never been a fan of the "do her till she likes it" stuff. I'd rather see a woman enjoy herself.


There just isn't enough consentacle art out there. I agree that it's great to see a girl having a good time. :)


Well I'll definitely be doing more in the future. Maybe I'll do one when the leatherwork comic is done to celebrate. ;)