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Just under 3000 miles later, we have arrived! Here are some before pictures of the new studio/office space. Looking forward to setting it up so I can not only draw but pack and ship merch in an efficient manner! This is a bigger space than before and I hope it will make life easier.

It’s going to take a few days to get things up and running and then my first priority will be to attend to three black label packages that came back return-to-sender. After that, Mail Club rewards and then a bunch of fun sketches I want to work on to get me back into the swing of things. I also have a few photos from the trip to share but I haven’t gone through them yet.

For now…sleep!

I hope everyone is doing well! Can’t wait to share more comics soon!



Katt Wallingford

3000 miles is pretty much the entire United States. o.o;; If you don't mind my asking, which state did you move to? (I've got a few months of return labels to tell me where from 😜)


Congratulations on the move. Hope everything works over and I can't wait for first page you put up from your new place.