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Welcome back everyone!  I am working on some new pages for chapter 8, one that will likely go up tomorrow!  I am spending my mornings going line by line through the campaign order list to make sure everyone that contributed gets all their stuff and I'll be checking my PO box this week as well in case there are any returns.  It still blows my mind the number of people that picked up a copy of my book.  It feels amazing!

Next up is Mail Club fulfillment, which was supposed to go out on the first, but I got a bit overwhelmed by the campaign. ^^;  I'll be sending them out later this week and will include a new print and sticker, as well as some bonus content (thanks for your patience). :)

I hope everyone out there is doing well.  Thank you all so much for helping me get to where I am right now.  There have been some incredibly difficult times in the past few years that I was able to get though in no small part because of all of you.  Your support and enthusiasm gave me a reason to get up in the morning, even when I didn't want to.  I don't know what the future holds, but right now I am busy, I am happy, and I have comics and art that I can't wait to create and share!  I hope that everyone of you sleeps well tonight and wakes up tomorrow excited and ready for a new day.

Thank you!  Have a great week everyone!




I got a surprise this morning from my postman: my black box arrived! Thank you for all your work!


Just got my box, #198 :D