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I’m sitting here feeling rather dazed. I just noticed that I have 101 Patrons.


This boggles my mind! When I started this I figured I’d get a dozen follower or so. Maybe make an extra fifty bucks to cover printing or groceries. Enough to convince the people in my life that yes, drawing my silly, bondage comics is definitely worth my time. 101 of you seem to agree.

101 of you! Wow! Thank you all so much for your support!

Now that I have earned your attention I must prove worthy of it. Okay then, let’s get to work! On the agenda this week, I have a studio job to do. Specifically, I have a book cover featuring a Gothic Lolita character, so that should be fun. Gonna try to get that knocked out quickly and I’ll be posting the progress here as I go. Also wanna see if I can finally get the Leather Work comic done (it’s been staring down at me from my bulletin board for far too long). I’ll try to get a coupe panels for AMAZON and THE NOVICE pieced together (naughty ones, if I can manage it). :D Not sure what I’ll be posting for my $5 Patrons this week. I have a couple of options of what I can work on for that if I manage my time right. ^^;

Okay, I’ve got an audience of 101 people! Time to entertain! Dance Comic Boy! Dance!



I Love Gothic Lolita dresses, Can't wait to see this cover!


Should be an interesting challenge. Been sketching all morning. Waiting to hear back from the studio to see which one they like. Will post sketches and progress tonight if I hear back today.