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Whew...I am exhausted.  There's been a lot of excitement over here.  We just received a a huge box of prints and about 500 shipping boxes.  The office is full of stuff and we're eagerly awaiting the first proof of the book.  There's been a lot of problems though.  We've had to switch printers for the bags as they didn't feel the design went with their company culture.  Found another printer though.  More expenseive, but no issues thus far.  We're all exhausted and I just want to get back to work on Black Label.

Made the above image for fun.  While it's related to the reference department issue I did before, there's no story or anything.  Just a fun, scifi inspired image.  It's all I have to share for now, but I hope to have more soon.  Thought I would have more time to draw by now, but I was wrong.  sigh....

Thank you all for your support this month!  I have a day off tomorrow, so I hope I have the chance to do some serious drawing.  Chat soon!




Good luck with all the prep work to getting the physical copies shipped out.


Sorry for the printer snafu, but people being people are rather vexing at times. Take the time to re-center yourself. I am already jonesing for Volume 2 :-)


This looks fun

Shrub Jump

There's an old Steely Dan song that says, "You're never gonna do it without your fez on." As a NSFW artist, you might be able to do something with this concept. :)