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We hit the 30k mark, which means we’re getting Guest Artist prints, featuring Stjepan Sejic! that’s right, Shiniez himself! Creator of SUNSTONE and FINE PRINT! I am over the moon! Stjepan does not do commissions, but I asked anyway as a ‘why the hell not’ and he said he’d love to! I still can’t believe it. He sent me a sketch of what he’s working on, which I can’t share here just yet, and I think you’re all gonna love it! Can’t wait to hang it on my wall!

We also have NSFW artist Slush-A who is a friend I made on DevArt back in the day! He does great stuff! And of course, my production manager Mel will be contributing a piece of her own. Her stuff rules, so I can’t wait to see what she creates!

We also added a new tier called ‘It’s for a Friend’ where you can donate a book to someone that couldn’t afford a copy.

We also have a tote bags for $10 each! We were saving them for a later stretch goal, but I don’t see us hitting that mark, so we’re making them available to anyone that wants one!

Also, we’re hoping to do another livestream tonight at 10pm EST. I’ll have more information on that as well. Fingers crossed!

Thank you so much to everyone that participated in the campaign and to everyone else for your patience as we finished this project. I’m very excited to get back to regular posting and starting BLACK LABEL chapter 8! Gonna be a great time…but I might need to take a week off first. ^^;


Chat soon!



The Black Rose

Could u do a collab woth Stjepan


I wish! He’s one of the busiest and most sought after creators in the biz! Can’t believe he’s doing this!🤪


Sejic?! Incredible! Absolutely can't wait to see what he does. Love the "for a friend" option and glad I saw it before tomorrow! just added one to my order.


Congratulations on running such a hugely succesful crowdfunding campaign!


Congrats on smashing the funding goal guys!


Sunstone and Black Label are my favorite BDSM comics! *This is what it's like when worlds collide!* 😁


When does your comic book campaign ends?