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...on Q&A comic.  Page 3 is almost complete.  4 pages all together, plus a bonus page.  Sooo...yeah, 5 pages.

Okay, enough serious stuff.  Gonna go draw something sexy and inapropriate.  Will try to have it up tomorrow.  Goodnight!




Sexy and inappropriate sounds like fun!


More is always good, not that you ever shortchange us on quality or quantity :)


I am a big diy and I love to see a comic of Meg showing off her workshop and her wares


Interesting - why do you draw the text boxes first? I would have thought that it would be easier to draw the characters first, then put the text wherever you have space.


I do. This page doesn't show all the details. First I lay out the page with all the sketches. Then I put in the text boxes to make sure everything fits and I can make adjustments to the sketches. Then I do the line art. Been meaning to do a bit by bit page tutorial for a while. When things are a bit less busy, maybe I will. :)