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...Welcome back Everyone!  Time for some announcements!

I'll be making a post for my Super Minions and Mail Club members later today (warning: petplay incoming)!

Speaking of Mail Club, I'd originally planned to replace the above image with something else (let's be honest, you're probably here for lesbian bondage, not tentacles), but I am quite pleased with it and I want the sticker! :D  Next month will be some proper bondage! :D

Wanted to get a new page done last week, but the composition was...meh.  The page ends on a flat note.  Hope to have it figured out today so I can get it posted this week.

I'm almost done with my taxes, which means I can focus on drawing and posting more art!

Okay, let's get back to it!  Have a great week, everyone!




I am 100% here for the tentacles too! They look like they're having a good time.

Kevin Johnson

Tentacles are good too :) Although personally I'm a smooth and shiny tentacle type of person :P