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Looks like Blaire is in for a very engaging discussion later. :D

WIPs going up in a few minutes!  Can't wait to share!  Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend!




Exactly, SSC - safe, sane and, above all, consensual is the motto of the scene/lifestyle, call it what you will. In our real life experiences (and in the stories I've written), there's a contract, explicit or implicit. Either party can walk away at any time, but that would (usually) irreparably rupture the contract and the relationship would be over. And that is generally the last thing either party wants. It is, or should be, a relationship based on trust and love, both of which are not finite commodities, hence Meg and Blair being able to have a single mistress without jealousy or competition (theoretically ;-)


oh nooo! XD Looks like Blaire is going to get the double dom treatment! >:3c but for now, she should worry about her current predicament!


oh dear oh dear


Naughty, Naughty Blair, calling someone other than your dom Mistress, serious breach of etiquett. Punishment will, most likely be, ironically not to be punished or bound, or be allowed to seek other forms of stimulation, denial of can be its own form of torment.

Death of Ink

I was wrong to doubt Meg, she's far too strong willed to fall for Blaire's seduction tactics. Well Blaire, you've squandered the trust placed in you by your Mistress. Guess you're going to have to do some more work before you can be allowed some independence again.


It is interesting situation. After they discussed about Blaire making problems during sessions, now she is gagged and tied down to a cross. There is no way how she can make anything now.


Meanwhile, Ellie and Val are still hanging on the cliff. And they're not roped up...


Oh dear, she broke out *the voice*...


hahahaha, you love to see it XD


Sounds like she's going to be sore after this.

Shrub Jump

So, just asking--what would happen if Blaire simply told her mistress to go take a hike? Unless the mistress has a lien on her house or something, I don't see why Blaire can't just act for herself.

Shrub Jump

Yeah, and anyway, maybe the mistress's "punishment" will be something a lot of folks would consider a "reward," if you get my meaning. :P

michael D

that is what happen when you are a brat


I imagine because this is a consensual dom/sub relationship. If she no longer wanted to be in the relationship she could but if she wants to maintain the dynamic of the relationship then it looks like she's going to have to take what comes to her :)