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Wow, what a week!  Been enjoying my nice, clean and shiny office and the creative juices have been flowing like crazy!  I can't wait to see where it goes!  I can't get over how much drawing I did this week (this is just the good stuff).

Sorry I don't have a BLACK LABEL update, other than to say I found a new printer for the book! :D  So BLACK LABEL time will most likely be dedicated to getting the kickstarter going!

Hope you're all having a great weekend!  Chat soon! :D



Shrub Jump

I love the lineup of girls in the second picture! They look as fit as a college women's swim team!


I love the creativity for the use of the tentacles, the blindfold X is a awesome design, and the expression work is super fun!


Going to be interesting to see how their looks develop in the coming weeks. I have until Dec 12th to finalize their designs. Still need to finalize some details.