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...cause I got called out of town today. Lots of driving! In other news, refining the Novice script in my head while I drive. Finally coming together the way I like. If it hasn't become clear yet, I'm bringing all of the black label stories together so they fit into one sweet, bondage filled package. While the structure remains loose (it jumps between long form comic pages and four panel strips) it will all fit together into a single book. Looking it over there's enough scripted material for 200 about pages. :D Also, the studio has me on a new project and they have asked me not to share anything on Patreon at the clients request (same client I had before). Grrr... guy doesn't get the concept of "free advertising ". Next post will be the finished 69 commission, and then I gotta get back to work on Amazon. ;) Wow...lots to draw. ^^;


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