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...for $5+ patrons!  Last time I asked all of my $5+ patrons to suggest a drawing for the month and I would pick out my favorite and run with it.  For the month of October I chose "Consentacle", which is perfect for Halloween (I'll post it then)!

It's time to start planning for next month, so while I'm busy moving, I want to hear your suggestions for the November drawing!  Write you ideas here, or email me if you wanna keep your suggestion anonymous.  You can also message me on DevArt.  I will pick my favorite suggestion and run with it!  Maybe there's a scenario you've got in mind or a theme you'd like to see me explore.  Whatever it is, now's your chance!

Be clever, be creative, and be as sexy as you like!  Can't wait to read your ideas!



Wondering in a library looking for a spooky story book, the heroine finds an ancient tome in a forgotten section believed to be an urban legend. Taking the book home to show her friends, the find a passage on summoning a creature of pleasure. The summon it, a tentacle monster. A small unassuming thing that grows the more it pleases the ladies.


Heh heh heh...a great idea for a comic! A bit much for a single drawing, but a great ideas! Already seeing several HP Lovecraft references to throw in for fun. Winner or not, this would be a great project!


The ending could be used; three witches, a portal, a book, and a lot of tentacles


How about a zero-g sex scene? I can't think of any enviroment that lends itself more to bondage! Something like a two girl version of that famous scene in Barbarella where Jane Fonda gets undressed, the bondage component would be oxygen pipers and/or cables and such there to anchor themselves with, but put to sexier purpose!