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A New Challenger Approaches! :D

I can't believe I did this entire page in ClipStudio!  I can't believe I'm finally able to work at 600dpi!  I can't believe how much faster I can work with a desktop instead of a laptop!

Okay, that last one I never had any doubts about. ^^;

I hope everyone is having a great week!  More stuff comics and such on the way!  Onto the next page!



Jordan Andrew Scherr

There's a thought. We're fairly sure Sam will become a dominatrix eventually. BUT, would it be a surprise to our characters? I somehow suspect Sam's reaction, and later decision might take Meg by surprise. "I only 'just' recently became a proper dominatrix, and now I need to train one?!" (Runs to mentor for help, heh!)

Shrub Jump

Wow! The new girl is hot stuff...like sex on a stick! :P