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...Onto the next!  Hopefully it won't take me two weeks this time. ^^;

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!  Goodnight, everyone!



Brad Kitts

Sub space?


Ahh, called it! The first dive into sub space! Such a wonderful thing to experience, I'm so jealous! Definitely a fine line Meg needs to walk to make sure it doesn't turn into sub-drop, but she seems pretty competent XD


Sub Space immersion in 3. 2. 1... This should prove to be an enlightening experience.


Ellie is so very lucky. That trip to sub space is a really enjoyable one. Good job Meg!!

Death of Ink

Lost in the euphoria.


Ellie has entered the Sub Space Zone


She's really in it now


Ah... subspace. Well done Meg, she's all yours now! Also: LATER: Val: "Sub... space...?" Ellie: "Yes, it's basically an endorphin rush.' V: "So... like when you eat chocolate?" E: /hitting head on desk

Katt Wallingford

At first, I was a bit confused as to why there was no real follow up to Meg's "you're... sorry?" threatening question, but now I see a very checked out Ellie being slowly set down, like a kitten that has fallen asleep in your hands after you've given it the best pets in it's tiny life.


I have to wonder did Ellie forget about the safe words? Or did she, like some subs I know, not want to wimp out so soon. *cough -not that I'VE passed out from a flogging- cough*


Hmmm…the transition to the next page is a bit clunky. Think I have a simple fix for that once I get to the editing stage for the book. Thanks! Good save!