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...Hey Ellie.  You know this little break is gonna cost ya, riiiiiiiight? :D

Gonna work on October Mail Club this weekend.  Hope to have more to share soon.  Have a great weekend everyone! :)



Ian Price

I died of envy.

Death of Ink

Aw, the petting and caring. So cute!

Brad Kitts

Happy to see her trust in Meg. This is so cute.


Yes positive reinforcement for the safe word. Thank you.

Robert Read

Perfect time to place some locks on those buckles... *evil grins*

Edward J Fascio-Burke

This is so goddamn sweet! Damnit I came here for SMUT why are you making me feel feelings?!?!


Yes! Ellie is right, more of this please! :D <3

Fritz Sands

That warms the cockles of my heart, indeed.

Fritz Sands

Just about jumping up and down here.


Last panel is cute.


It's good to have some of these moments where things get a bit tough and yellows needs to be called. Because it can happen sometimes.

Shrub Jump

If you look closely at Meg's word balloons, the words go back to the "normal" font when she's "breaking character" a bit and expressing concern--and then back to the other font when she reverts back to her "dominatrix" voice. That's really good attention to detail!

Henri Black

I feel like Meg knows why she needed the break.


Meg's look of worry and concern was so sweet. And with one word Ellie knows she's in safe hands and can enjoy her situation without fear I'm not sure i've ever seen consensual bondage done so well


I love it when Meg breaks character to check if Ellie's doing ok, like at the end of Chap 3 too. It's like she not only cares, but isn't quite 100% confident in her own abilities yet. And that last scene... *melts*

Shrub Jump

Ellie: "Now I *know* we're not in Heterosexual-land anymore, Toto!" :P

Henri Black

I feel like everyone needs a Meg in their life...


There's much "more of this" for you, Ellie... :D


Are you insinuating that Meg would create a design flaw in the jacket, intentionally causing ‘discomfort’ for the wearer? Intentionally and on purpose? Harumph, I say! ;)


But how much will she? If she behaves all the time, it would be boring for us... :D ;)