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…Welcome back everyone! Let’s start this week right!

Last week we got page 22 done! Page 23 is laid out and I hope to have the detail sketches done today! Fingers crossed!

Spent the weekend working on Mail Club stuff! I have 74 Mail Club packs ready to go in the mail tomorrow (today’s Labor Day, so no post)! 74! That blows my mind! This weekend I’ll be setting up the next three months of Mail Club and getting orders made. Also, I’m switching to a new printer so I won’t have to cut stickers by hand anymore.

I also worked on some background designs over the weekend. Nothing worth posting yet, but some fun stuff! Looking forward to seeing it come together. Also figured out several shortcuts! I had my roomate Mel look over my shoulder while I worked (which was really, really difficult to do) and she had a ton of notes on how I can save time on page each page. So excited to implement some of these new tips, but they’ll take a while to get used to. ^^;

Okay, it’s already past noon and I’ve got a page to draw! I’m gonna get to it! Have a great week, everyone!


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