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...Wow!  what a productive weekend!

I did a lot of writing for the Seri & Vincent fantasy adventure story I've been chipping away at for the last year or so.  I've been stuck in a holding pattern with them for a while but I managed to break through the wall that was slowing me down and now I can actually start the first real draft of the story, start to finish.  It's gonna be a long story (bigger than BLACK LABEL), but I'm very pleased with it!  The question is...is it pr0n?  Probably.  Equal parts plot and Pr0n sounds like fun!  It's a spectrum, really, with Hentai on one end and Studio Ghibli on the other.  So where to put it...guess I'll have to finish the first draft to find out. ^^;

This week I'm sketching out pages 22 and 23.  Once all the detailed sketches are done, I'll knock out page 22 for sure and we'll see how far along we get on page 23.  It's gonna be fun! :)

Okay, lots to do, so let's get started!  Have a great week everyone!



I look forward to seeing how the fantasy story turns out


What is this seri and vincent fantasy story

Shrub Jump

Somebody once joked that Hayao Miyazaki should make a h3ntai film. The tentacle monsters are still there, but they're respectful, and they do chores. ^_^