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…Good morning everyone! I just poured a second cup of coffee and am ready for the week!

So my big goal for the week is to finally have all Super Minion posts available to Mail Club members. This would be much easier if posts were visible depending on how much your paying rather than by tier, but oh well. There’s no button to make this happen unfortunately so I’ve been going through every post one by one. I thought I’d already done a good job doing this, but I was using the search tags before to make updates so I wound up missing a lot (most) of the posts that needed updating. Funny how the world works. Everything from the past year has been updated. I should have the rest done by the end of the week.👍

Speaking of Mail Club, another mailing went out this morning! Can’t believe how much Mail Club blew up! :) Preview for next month will be up later this week!

This week we’re working on page 21 and I have a nice warm up sketch coming together that should go up in the next few days, so there’s lots to look forward to!

Alright, let’s make some comics! Have a great week everyone!



Out of curiosity, how many pages do you expect the current chapter to have?


Sounds good. Just curious but do you plan on opening commissions any time soon?


I really want to but I really want to get through this chapter first. I also have the Gurp’s Resurrection comic that I need to finish. Hoping to have a new page of that next week. Fingers crossed!