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…welcome back! The mail club bonus gifts come in this week and I’m excited to get my hands on them! First mailing goes out this week! :)

Last week was busy! Heck, last month was busy! I’ve been taking a small business financial course as well as some art health seminars. Since I’m a full time artist now (It’s still a bit scary to say that) I gotta take care of myself. Getting some new glasses specifically for computer work, I just got a new adjustable desk I can stand at if I’ve been sitting too long, and have some handy new gloves that give my fingers a little extra support while I draw. I can already feel everything making a difference.

We broke the 69 Mail Club member goal! Which means I’ve got some fun drawing to do this week! Speaking of which, I’m planning to get page 16 knocked out this week so we can move straight to page 19! Gonna be a fun week!

Speaking of mail club, there are four members that still need to send me their mailing address. You can enter it into your tier profile (I’m the only one that sees it) or you can DM me or send me an email.

Alright! Let’s get to it! Have a great week everyone!



glad to hear you're taking care of yourself.


I’m doing what I can. 👍 After my vacation a month or so ago I suddenly noticed that my back shoulders and legs weren’t aching anymore, so I figured I’d better look into that.😅