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...This is gonna be a big week!

I'm working on pages 16 and 17 side by side this week.  Gonna be a fun couple of pages.  Heck, the rest of this chapter is going to be crazy, but I'm finally feeling equal to the task!  Sketches coming soon!

The last of the June packs went out this weekend and the next pack of the July rewards will go out next weekend!  Already have August lined up and will share previews near the end of the month. :)

We discovered a game shop not far from where we live and wee went out and painted some miniatures yesterday.  It was a lot of fun and a much needed change of pace.  This is definitely going to become a regular thing. :)

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  Gonna be a busy weekend, so let's kick some ass!  Have a great week!



whats your army


No army, just some Call of Cthulhu minis; a detective, a professor, a pilot and a Dark Young. The shop has some awesome 40k figures available. Never played 40k, but I’ve got some great diorama ideas!


They expensive


Got my 3rd reward pack already, thanks!


very nice


That they are, and I have neither the work, storage or play space for them. It’s fun to dream though. :)