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...Ellie better watch her step from here on out.

Next page should be done next week!  Gonna get it all laid out tomorrow and then work on a short bonus comic for $5 and $10 Patrons this weekend.  Should be fun!

Goodnight everyone!




Don't care what other think but one piece swimsuits (?) are the sexiest one. And She rocks this look.

Brad Kitts

Meg's taking her hold and beginning the breaking


Oh I love their relationship


Welp she already used up her 1 warning hope she doesn't mess up anymore. Or will she get more warnings since it is her first time?


I just realized something, Ellie was wearing her swimsuit underneath the armbinder you just recently showed, does that mean we will be seeing that really soon in the comic! XD


You're right she now has a literal and metaphorical hold on Ellie "You're mine".


and so it begins!

Death of Ink

Oh she's def gonna get the "Mistress Meg" experience now!


And it was at that moment Ellie knew, she was in trouble.


And so the training begins. Listen to your Mistress, Ellie! (Also well done Meg for letting Ellie keep the costume on. I have a feeling she's going to be way out of her comfort zone, without the extra discomfort of stripping off... for now :) )


Ellie fell into the spiders web and is about to be ravaged.


Meg just got serious! Oh boy, this is gonna be good :D


Point of no return for Ellie.


Those eyes say Ellie's first taste of discipline just went places.


Coming back to this page I totally think a shot of mistress Meg with her legs crossed doing the kneel motion with her hand would look amazing.

Shrub Jump

Ellie (thinking to herself): Now I *know* we're not in Heterosexual-Land anymore, Toto..." :P


You changed "don't move" to "turn around" in the version for DA - why the change? It doesn't make as much sense that way


In my head it made more sense since Meg is suddenly behind her. I’ll have to mull it over a bit, but you might be right. Don’t move May work better. Hmmmm…