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…a new week begins and there’s lots to look forward to!

Last week we got a new page of Black Label and a new full color image that I think will make a great Mail Club print. This week I hope to keep up the trend.

A new Black Label page should be up in a few days I needed to rework the dialogue a bit. This weeks warm up will star some familiar faces and the final June Mail Club mailing goes out today (only two to go).

Next months Mail Club rewards are posted above! July seems to be Ellie’s month. :) I was the merch would be here by now so I could show it off, but oh well. I post it up once it arrives. They should be in this week.

Alright, time to get productive! Have a great week everyone!




Got my mail club stuff the other day. Honestly wasn't sure if I'd get last month's at the time I joined the patreon, but glad I did. Looking forward to this month.


Will you be selling stickers anywhere else? I have to force myself not to get any more prints; I just have too many already. Stickers, however, I can justify - there's always room for stickers ;)


I’m hoping to open an online store later this year (hopefully round October) once I’ve made a bit more stock. Fingers crossed!


Just joined, and hoping it's not too late to get July's sticker and print. They're absolutely lovely!


Absolutely! Getting restocked this week, so I’ll be sending out another batch next weekend! Thanks so much for joining!

Katt Wallingford

I got here a little late, and was doing some scrolling to see all the things I've missed. I saw this "not crazy, just cozy" sticker and I would absolutely love it! 😍 I am guessing you're not planning any extra runs of it, though, are you? 🥺 I did see you mention plans of a store, but not seen much since. 😔