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More merch for anyone that signs up for June!

In other news, I’ve been feeling good all day so I think we can officially call me recovered. It’s great to be back! New page in the next few days! Have a great week!



shane feast

Good to hear that you are feeling better


Glad you're feeling better! I'm so down for that Ellie sticker :D

Shrub Jump

Okay, I'm sold...I'm gonna join the mail club! :P


so, if I want these do I join now, or next month? Is there a way to set it up to automatically switch tiers on a billing cycle (that you know of)? I want that sticker!


I just got my May letter :D I am so happy about is :) My dad brought in the mail and just put it next to me, I didn't know what it was until my mum looked at it and said "Oh nothing for me" then I looked at it and saw that it was your letter XD I have to buy a treasure box now XD